The use of gamification to increase participation in corporate learning

Gamification has become more popular in the business world as a learning aid in the past several years. Companies may boost employee engagement, motivation, and knowledge retention by integrating game design aspects into training programmes.

A realistic widescreen illustration of gamification in higher education.

With the use of statistics and data, this blog delves at the effects of gamification on corporate learning.


The advantages of using gamification in business training


Enhanced participation: Research has demonstrated that gamification significantly enhances participation in educational endeavours. Incorporating game elements into training modules increased employee motivation and engagement, according to a research conducted by Iacono et al. (2020) on a gamified office automation course for a large media firm (Iacono, Vallarino, & Vercelli, 2020). Compared to non-gamified courses, gamified ones had a 50% higher completion rate, according to the study.


Boosted inspiration: Gamification's inspirational qualities have been extensively studied. The use of gamified learning platforms considerably increases participant motivation, according to research conducted by García-López et al. (2023). According to García-López, Acosta-Gonzaga, and Ruiz-Ledesma (2023), when motivation is enhanced, performance improves and satisfaction with training programmes rises. Participating employees' motivation levels improved by 40% after gamified training sessions, according to the study.


Improved knowledge retention: Gamification not only adds fun and excitement to studying, but it also helps students remember more of what they've learned. Students' vocabulary retention increased by 30% when they participated in gamified learning activities, according to research out of Hanoi University of Science & Technology (Pham, 2022). By incorporating comparable ideas into corporate training, important job-related information can be better retained.

Examples, research, and Real-world use

Corporate training programmes at a number of companies have begun to incorporate gamification elements. Take Deloitte's leadership training programmes as an example. By incorporating gamification, they were able to boost long-term engagement by 47% and improve module completion rates by 36%. Leaderboards, badges, and points allowed Deloitte to build a more engaging and inspiring learning environment.

Similarly, Microsoft's sales force saw a 12% boost in productivity after implementing a gamified training programme. Several gamification features, such as challenges, incentives, and interactive scenarios mimicking real-life sales scenarios, were incorporated into the programme. This method not only improved performance on the job but also made training more fun.


Key elements of successful gamification

A number of critical components must be present for gamification to be effectively used in corporate learning:

  • Awarding points and badges to staff for completing tasks or reaching milestones is a great way to incentivize and recognise their hard work.
  • Putting up leaderboards promotes friendly rivalry and pushes people to do their best.
    Adding challenges and quests makes training more interesting and engaging, which in turn motivates employees to do their best.

    Positive reinforcement and increased motivation can be achieved through the use of immediate feedback in conjunction with concrete rewards.


In summary

A tried and true method for boosting engagement, motivation, and retention in corporate learning is gamification. Companies can improve training programmes by adding gaming components.

This makes training more engaging and fun, which in turn increases employee performance and helps the organisation succeed. With the ever-changing corporate landscape, gamification is set to become a game-changer when it comes to corporate training in the future.