This month's update includes added features to:
What's new with Constructor LMS?
- Self-registration and enrollment for learners
- Two-step login
- Enhanced program navigation
- Custom color scheme support for tenants
- Closing and rolling back learner attempts
- Enhanced assessments section
- New text formatting options
Self-registration and enrollment for learners
Learners can now self-register on the platform. Instructors then have the option of enrolling them manually or automatically using the enrolment rules in the selected learning content. Learners can also independently browse the items available in the Catalog and enroll themselves in selected courses or programs.
Two-step login
We've introduced a two-step login process for selected tenants. Users are now prompted to enter their login first, then the available login options are displayed according to their tenant's configuration.
Enhanced program navigation
When completing a program module, learners can now choose to move on to the next module or select a specific module from the list of modules in the program description.
Custom color scheme support for tenants
Administrators can now select a predefined color scheme to align all pages in the tenant interface with the corporate brand book.
Closing and rolling back learner attempts
Instructors can close specific unfinished attempts, particularly when these attempts prevent the assignment from being completed and moving to the Finished state. They can also reset an assignment back to its original state, allowing learners to start again without using previous attempts.
It's important to note that interactive components do not support the revoke feature.
Enhanced assessments section
In the Assessments section, instructors can now filter single data for all users, or data related to the groups or units to which a user belongs. This makes it possible to filter data by secondary units or groups. Instructors can select the desired option and use grouping in the grid to display all activities performed by users in particular groups or units. Only users' primary units are displayed by default, and duplicates are filtered out when a user belongs to more than one group or unit.
New text formatting options
Several new tools are now available to authors when creating new texts in the rich text editor of media blocks:
- Toggle option to hide part of the text under a toggle switch.
- Text color allows you to define the text color using a palette or the previously used color button.
- Text case selection option: all uppercase or all lowercase; can be toggled from one case to the other.
- Anchors that can be added to headers for quick navigation in long texts or even in different media blocks or compositions.