Constructor Learning monthly update: January 2024

This month's update includes added features to:


What's new with Constructor LMS?




  • Interactive components (SCORM) versioning
  • Self-registration and enrollment for learners
  • Setting thresholds for grading scales
  • Setting default view for data grids
  • Support for Arabic and RTL languages


Interactive components (SCORM) versioning


We've introduced an option for updating SCORM packages to more recent versions. Enrolled learners who have not started a SCORM activity can now see its updated version. Those who have started it can reset their progress and choose between starting the new SCORM or continuing the one they have started. Completed activities are saved with a record of the end of the activity. This allows learners to review either the original or the updated version.


Self-registration and enrollment for learners


Learners can now register themselves on the platform. Trainers then have the option of enrolling them manually or automatically using the enrolment rules in the selected learning content. Learners can also browse the available catalog items autonomously and enroll themselves in selected courses or programs.


Setting thresholds for grading scales


When creating or modifying a grading scale template, authors and instructors can now specify the minimum passing grade. This enables the LMS to accurately indicate whether the course has been successfully completed or failed.


Setting default view for data grids


An administrator can configure each individual table containing data in the LMS by hiding unnecessary columns and saving its state. This configured view becomes the default view for users with other roles in the system unless they decide to customize the view for themselves. Users can restore a table's default view by pressing the Reset button.


Support for Arabic and RTL languages


The platform now supports Arabic and other right-to-left (RTL) languages for all roles, including content developers, instructors, and learners.



What's new with Constructor Assessment?



  • Introduction of playback limits for audio files
  • Tabulation support in free-format response questions


Introduction of playback limits for audio files


We've added the option of setting a limit on the number of times an audio file can be played. Quiz authors can specify this limit when creating or editing a question. Learners are informed of the number of playbacks available and can no longer play the audio file once they have used up all the attempts.


Assessment - Question configuration


Tabulation support in free-format response questions


We've introduced the ability to use the Tab key for text formatting in free-format response questions. Users can now press the Tab key to create indentations in their texts. This improves code writing for users, particularly in programming languages where indentation is crucial.