Constructor for Schools monthly update: August 2023


Rebranding of multiple components across all applications

  • Picture password enabled for administrators in Institution Management 
  • Rebranding of the main Login[1]  page of Constructor for Schools 
  • Rebranding of Grafari (Orthograph), Grafari (Phonics) and Calcularis Parent and Teacher Portals
  • EU Webshop branding update 
  • Branding update in texts across all web applications
  • Branding update in notifications sent from Constructor Team
  • Branding update in EULAs and Data Privacy Documents 


What’s New? 

Picture password enabled for administrators in institution management 

From now on administrators can enable a picture password for entire groups within their institution. Once picture passwords are enabled, teachers with the administrator rights can print the passwords for the group from the Institution Management and distribute password sheets. The picture password handouts also contain QR-codes, so students can enter the main Login page and start using learning apps immediately. 


Rebranding of the main Login page of Constructor for Schools 

The main Login page (Cockpit) was updated to showcase the Constructor brand identity, including the updated logos, favicon, and visual elements. This update ensures that users, including learners, parents and teachers are greeted with a fresh and cohesive visual experience when accessing their respective accounts. This update reinforces the new identity and enhances the brand recognition.


Rebranding of Grafari (Orthograph), Grafari (Phonics) and Calcularis Parent and Teacher Portals

The Teacher and Parent Portals of our educational applications Grafari (Orthograph), Grafari (Phonics), and Calcularis underwent a comprehensive rebranding. All instances of the previous branding were updated to the new identity, Constructor, including the logos, favicons, and other design elements. 



EU Webshop branding update 

The EU Webshop has been revamped to align with the new Constructor branding. This includes updating the webshop visual elements, such as the logos, header, and favicon, to reflect the new identity. With this update, users visiting the EU Webshop will experience a consistent and unified branding, strengthening the association with Constructor.



Branding update in texts across all web applications

In this rebranding effort, all textual content throughout our various web applications has been updated to replace any instances of the previous branding with the Constructor brand name. This comprehensive approach ensures that users encounter a seamless and coherent brand experience while using our applications.


Branding update in notifications sent from Constructor Team

All outgoing emails originating from the Constructor Team now feature the new branding identity. This includes updates to the email templates, signatures, footers, and other visual elements, ensuring that all communication sent from our team reinforces the brand image, Constructor, to our valued clients.


Branding update in EULAs and Data Privacy Documents 

End-User License Agreements (EULAs), Cookie Policy and Data Privacy Documents have been revised and updated. 


Grafari (Phonics)


  • Enhanced focus on listening skills in Phone Recognition Exercises 
  • Personalized pace in Phone Recognition Exercises
  • Updated Personalized Learning Goal in Phone Recognition Exercises

What’s New?


Enhanced Focus on Listening Skills in Phone Recognition Exercises 

Images in all Phone Recognition Exercises are now hidden to ensure learners' undivided attention on developing their listening skills. Images are revealed only after a learner solves the task, which promotes better concentration and comprehension.


Personalized pace in Phone Recognition Exercises

To move forward further within a module, learners now have to complete a full loop only for the first two graphemes instead of the first two grapheme groups. This change allows learners to progress more efficiently through the exercises.


Updated Personalized Learning Goal in Phone Recognition Exercises

With the updated end conditions in Phone Recognition Exercises, learners now have the opportunity to move on faster. This provides learners with a more flexible and tailored learning journey so they can progress better at their own pace.

Capitalized if we refer to the page name the same way it's capitalized and written in UI.