Constructor for Schools monthly update: July 2023

Common Functionality 


  • License System Improvements
  • German Language Support for B2C in Dwilo
  • New Learning Analytics Components: Skills and Monthly Practice for B2C
  • Improved Institution Transfer with License Conflict Check

What’s New? 

License System Improvements

We upgraded the license system to provide a seamless transition for first-year users. This enhancement simplifies the onboarding process and ensures a smoother experience when activating licenses.


German Language Support for B2C in Dwilo
We expanded language options for B2C users to include German (CH & DE). Now, users can access and navigate the platform in German, thus we cater to a broader audience and offer a localized experience.

New dwell



New Learning Analytics Components: Skills and Monthly Practice for B2C

We have introduced new learning analytics components designed for B2C users. The "Skills" feature enables users to track their progress and proficiency in various skills, while "Monthly Practice" provides personalized practice overview on a monthly basis, enhancing the overall learning journey.

Fixed Issues

Improved Institution Transfer with License Conflict Check

Institution transfer functionality within the new license system was experiencing issues related to license conflicts. To address this problem, we have implemented an important fix by adding a license conflict check specifically for institution transfers.


Grafari (Phonics)


  • Hide Non-Mandatory Exercises in Transition 3/4 Module:

What’s New?


Hide Non-Mandatory Exercises in Transition 3/4 Module:

We optimized the user experience in the Transition 3/4 module by hiding non-mandatory exercises from the progress screen. This update streamlines the progress view, only focusing on mandatory/ essential exercises and providing a clearer representation of the user's advancement.

modul 3


Grafari (Orthograph)


  • Multilingual language support on B2C Coach
  • New Learning Analytics Components: Skills and Monthly Practice for B2C


What’s New?


Multilingual support on B2C Coach

We have enriched the language capabilities of the B2C Coach by adding English (US) and German (CH-DE) options. Users can now receive personalized guidance and coaching from the B2C Coach in their preferred language, expanding accessibility and ensuring effective communication.


New Learning Analytics Components: Skills and Monthly Practice for B2C

We have introduced new learning analytics components designed for B2C users. The "Skills" feature enables users to track their progress and proficiency in various skills, while "Monthly Practice" provides personalized practice overview on a monthly basis, enhancing the overall learning journey.



  • Calcularis: Now in Bulgarian
  • Multilingual support on B2C Coach
  • New Learning Analytics Components: Skills and Monthly Practice for B2C


What’s New?


Calcularis: Now in Bulgarian

We enabled Bulgarian speakers to utilize Calcularis in their native language. This update unlocks the full potential of Calcularis by offering a localized language support and interface, providing a more intuitive and personalized learning experience for Bulgarian users.

calcularis bulgarian


Multilingual support on B2C Coach

We have enriched the language capabilities of the B2C Coach by adding English (US) and German (CH-DE) options. Users can now receive personalized guidance and coaching from the B2C Coach in their preferred language, expanding accessibility and ensuring effective communication.


New Learning Analytics Components: Skills and Monthly Practice for B2C

We have introduced new learning analytics components designed for B2C users. The "Skills" feature enables users to track their progress and proficiency in various skills, while "Monthly Practice" provides personalized practice overview on a monthly basis, enhancing the overall learning journey.