Learning Management Platform monthly update: July 2023

Constructor Learning Platform is a comprehensive learning solution for higher education institutions, schools, bootcamps, and enterprises. It employs active learning, machine intelligence, and automated content generation to facilitate digital transformation in education. 

Product screenshot


Updated components



  • Course catalog for self-enrollment
  • Single-page compositions
  • Shared links to objectives
  • Learners’ email addresses in reports


What's new 

Course catalog for self-enrollment 

Instructors can now not only enroll learners to courses, but also set courses to be available for self-enrollment. Learners can easily explore available courses in the Catalog and enroll in ones of their choice. This enhances their engagement and provides personalized learning journeys.

An objective can be available for self-enrollment for all learners in an organization or an instructor can make it available only to a particular learner, group, or organizational unit. Making an objective available for self-enrollment is configured when enrolling learners, groups, or organizational units to it through clearing the Mandatory option.
To self-enroll to a course, a learner needs to open it in the course catalog and either start taking the course or add to the My courses list to return to it later. If a course has limitations on starting it right away, the information about the availability date and time is displayed on the About the course page.

Instructors now can set the availability date and time of a course in the enrollment dialog.


Single-page compositions 

Authors can now place several activities on one page in a composition. This improves learners’ experience with courses by eliminating the necessity of navigating forward and back, for example, to see a video and download a file related to that video. Widgets for starting labs or passing quizzes can also be placed next to explanatory texts, videos, or images.
A new view selection option was added in compositions, Show as a tree or Show on one page: 

  • If authors select Show as a tree, the composition is shown as usual — every activity of this composition is located on a different page. 
  • If authors select Show on one page, all the activities of the composition are shown on one page. There is one limitation that concerns compositions within the composition they are not supported. In such cases, authors should either move all the activities from sub-compositions to the parent composition or select displaying the composition as a tree. 

If a composition is a long-read, it can be shown inside a composition that is organized as a multi-page composition.


Shared links to objectives 

Instructors can now share links to objectives with learners. This helps learners to easily find an objective without searching for it in My сourses or Catalog. Learners can start a course when opening the link or add the course to their courses list to start it later. 

By sending links, instructors can also remind learners to complete unfinished courses or help to increase learners’ results by recommending courses related to their program.

Instructors can also share links to various activities and objectives with their peer instructors. This allows instructors to save time on searching for activities and objectives they work on collaboratively.


Learners’ email addresses in reports 

We added the display of email addresses in reports. It helps administrators and instructors to better identify different users when they have similar names. 

Email addresses can also be used for grouping user data so as to show all results for a particular user.




  • Classroom creation
  • Session scheduling
  • Guest links
  • Instant sessions
  • Session outputs
  • Session engagement meter
  • Session roles
  • Session PDF player


What's new 

Classroom creation

Instructors and administrators can create classrooms — templates for particular educational online sessions. A session is an actual meeting (lecture, event, workshop) which occurs at a specific time on a specific date with a particular list of participants. A session has its unique URL for access. 

A classroom usually contains its title, description, and files related to the topic or theme that should be covered within a single session. Files can be uploaded from the user's computer. Any file types can be uploaded, but only PDF files can be demonstrated during the online session.

Every single classroom allows instructors or teachers to schedule and deliver an unlimited number of live sessions. It helps to keep course material organized and ready to use whenever a new course is created or a new session is scheduled.


Session scheduling

Instructors and administrators can schedule online sessions. Scheduling a session means that the author creates it by specifying the date and time of the session start. After that, the session is added to the list of scheduled sessions.

The author selects a classroom from the list of available classrooms as a template for the session. The session inherits its title, description, and uploaded files.


Guest links

By default, sessions are available only for registered users. If the author considers inviting someone without a registration in Constructor Learning Platform, they need to enable the guest access when creating or editing a session.

When the guest access is enabled, a special link is created to access the session as a guest.


Instant sessions

An author may start a session instantly, without scheduling it or setting up. The session will start immediately. Other users can join it by the link or if they have it in their sessions list.


Session Outputs

During the online session, lots of things are on the table, and video recording is usually not enough to wrap them all.

The Outputs page of a session contains everything that was created or used during the session:

  • Video recording (featuring the speaker, screen sharing and PDF demonstration)
  • Chat history
  • Participants list
  • Files list

Session engagement meter

One of the major issues for instructors and lecturers during the online classes is understanding the level of participants’ engagement.

The engagement meter is a tool that measures users’ engagement during a session based on their facial expressions. If a face expression is not neutral, the engagement meter registers it as engaged to the extent that corresponds to the intensity of the expression of emotions. It represents the current state of all participants as graphs:

  • Percentages of currently engaged users, non-engaged users and users whose engagement cannot be measured 
  • Changes in the percentage of engaged users over time


Session roles

Session roles allow users to organize and run sessions in a more customizable manner.

The following user roles exist within a session:

  • Host — a user has the full set of permissions within the session. This role can be only one per session, usually it’s assigned to the person who created the session.
  • Moderator — a user can mute users individually or all users, expel users from the session, grant roles to other users (up to Moderator), share their screen or files. There can be any number of Moderatos per session. 
  • Presenter — a user can share their screen or files. There can be any number of Presenters per session. 
  • Participant — a basic user role to attend the session. There can be any number of Participants per session.


Session PDF player

Hosts, Moderators, and Presenters can use the PDF player to demonstrate PDF files to all participants. Files can be uploaded on the creation of a classroom or session by the author or during the session by the users with the abovementioned roles.

A PDF file is demonstrated right from the server without sharing the Presenter’s screen. All participants can see it. 

In case Participants have missed something or want to review one of previous slides, they can switch slides manually; this change is visible only to themselves. They can return to the Presenter's slide by clicking the round arrow button in the lower right part of the screen.