Proctor monthly update: January 2024



  • Use of calculators during exams
  • AI detection of exam violations in SDK
  • Protection added to prevent taking tests without proctoring in LTI
  • Assign a specific proctor to an exam
  • Addition of a video stream from a smartphone as a second camera in post-review
  • Added quick access buttons to the live proctor interface
  • Other features


What's new


Use of сalculators during exams


Candidates can now use a calculator directly in the proctoring interface, without having to switch to another application or use a separate calculator. The exam author specifies the type of calculator to be used in the course settings.


To enable calculator use, the course creator must select the required calculator type in the proctoring settings: basic or scientific.


Proctor calculator


AI detection of exam violations in the SDK


Our SDK now supports AI detection of exam violations. This enables automatic detection of the following violations:


  • Human voice in audio stream
  • Exam candidate's face cannot be found
  • Exam candidate has been replaced by another person
  • Another person is in the camera frame
  • Candidate has looked sideways


This makes the proctor's job easier, and means that more videos can be processed in less time.


Protection added to prevent taking tests without proctoring in LTI


We've added the ability to open secure tests requiring a password. Password tests prevent candidates who don't know the password from accessing the test. They can only take the test via the module with proctoring.


Assign a specific proctor to an exam


We have added the option of assigning a proctor or group of proctors to a specific exam. This means that candidates taking the exam will not be assigned to any available proctor, but to the one assigned by the administrator. 


In the first version, the assignment of proctors to exams is only available in live mode and will be carried out by the Constructor Proctor support team.


Addition of a video stream from a smartphone as a second camera in post-review


Using the second camera expands the view of the candidate's workspace: the proctor can see the candidate's desk, screen, keyboard and hands, making it easier to monitor the exam.


The candidate must scan the QR code before starting the exam, open the resulting link in the mobile browser, and place the phone next to the laptop for a better view.


Video streaming from smartphone - Proctor


In this version, video recording from the second camera is only available in Post-review mode. In the video archive, the proctor can switch between webcam and mobile phone camera video.


Proctor dual view - second camera


Added quick access buttons to the live proctor interface


We've added a series of quick messages in the proctor chat for communication with candidates. This allows proctors to save time checking candidates' workspaces and respond more quickly to violations.


The series of quick messages varies according to the stage the candidate is at. Before the candidate starts the exam: "Invite", "Take a photo again", "Show your room". After the candidate has started the exam, the 5 most frequent violations are used as quick messages: "Looking away", "Talking", "Another person in the frame", "Using phone", and "Candidate is absent".


Dispatching Interface - Product update Jan 2024


Other features


We have added the ability to choose the Secure Browser mode in the exam settings. This allows the administrator to independently adjust the level of protection to be used for each exam, offering flexible customization.


We have added Quick Messages to the candidate interface. This enables candidates to quickly inform the proctor of technical problems, organizational issues, etc.


Proctor - quick messages