Research Platform monthly update: September 2023


  • Main project page enhancements
  • New project desk
  • File manager
  • Project duplication
  • Workflow logs enhancements
  • Data catalog enhancements

What's new


Main project page enhancements

We improved the project main page. Now it displays the list of desks created within a project. Every team member added to the project has a dedicated desk which can be shared by other project team members. Users now can delete desks within a project.

Additionally, we moved the project settings to the main page. The Resources and Members sections are located on separate tabs.


New project desk

We introduced the main desk screen for project desks.

Now managing VS Code launches and custom runtimes is more convenient:

  • The Open VSCode button is available in the lower-left corner of the screen. It initiates an environment with the selected template and settings.
  • The environment management settings, along with the option to shut down a running environment, are available via a new settings icon in the lower-right corner.
  • The Go back to Desk button in the lower-left corner redirects a user back to the Desk, while keeping the environment active. The environment status and settings are also visible there, with the option to switch back to VS Code.

Also, the screen includes an explorer with the following sections: Workflows and Desk Files.

  • The Workflows section holds the workflow manager functionality, which was moved from the project level to the desk level. It now employs local desk files instead of a project’s Git repository files for running nodes. This eliminates the need for commits to synchronize code changes and executable code for workflows. Consequently, each desk within a project has its own workflows. This means, collaborative work on the same workflow must be done in the same desk. Any workflows created prior to these changes are duplicated across each desk in the project.
  • The Desk Files section contains all local files within the current desk. The access to desk files is now possible without launching an environment. The collaboration between desks is facilitated through Git commits. Git-related functionalities are fully integrated into VS Code.

Additionally, we moved the Support menu to the upper-right corner of the screen. It includes an option for a live chat with the support, links to the Research Platform User Guide and the project Readme file.


File manager

The file manager now supports basic file management for Desk Files. It allows users to preview code and text files’ content. In addition to the basic features, the file manager incorporates an embedded file uploader that:

  • Supports uploading large files
  • Facilitates parallel uploading of multiple files
  • Manages interruptions caused by internet connection issues or by closures of the browser tab


Project duplication

Project owners or collaborators can duplicate entire projects, including all project desks and files. After duplicating a project, the user who did it becomes the owner of all desks within the duplicated project.

The project sharing settings were moved to a separate tab in the project settings, Desks Publishing. Project owners can share projects via links. If a user uses a link to duplicate a project, the duplication process is the same as general project duplication.


Workflow logs enhancements

The Workflows section now contains expanded logs. It allows users to track the details of workflow runs. They can monitor when a workflow was scheduled and access the information about its current state.


Datacatalog enhancements

We added the advanced functionality for analytics to the chart builder in Datacatalog. Users can now create charts with the filtering and sorting options. Furthermore, users can interact with the chart by clicking on a point or a bar. This action applies filtering to the underlying data frame and displays a list of corresponding rows.

All applied to data frames filters and sorting are retained between sessions. This ensures consistent experience across interactions.