Research Platform product update: October 2023


  • Duplicating multi-desk projects
  • Uploading files in batches 
  • Removing files and folders
  • Improved file import and organization
  • Previewing files of diverse formats
  • Duplicating desks within projects
  • Separate menus for environment template and hardware settings
  • Tracking environment provisioning status
  • Ability to create and delete desks in projects
  • Display running environment for desk
  • Updated project limitations for trial and paid users


What's new


Duplicating multi-desk projects

Project members can now duplicate entire projects, including all associated desks and files. This is a convenient way to create project templates or back up important projects.
This feature enhances project management by allowing project members to create copies of their projects effortlessly. It is a valuable tool for research teams who want to replicate project setups or preserve project snapshots.

Uploading files in batches 

Users can now select multiple files for uploading to their storage or project at once, streamlining the data import process. This feature supports efficiency in managing large datasets.
Uploading files in batches simplifies data management, saving users valuable time when transferring multiple files to their projects. This enhances users' productivity and project data organization.

Uploading files in constructor research platform

Removing files and folders

The file manager now allows users to delete files and folders directly from their storage or project. This feature promotes better data hygiene and organization.
Users gain more control over their data, enabling them to declutter their storage or projects easily. This feature contributes to a cleaner and more efficient workspace.

Improved file import and organization

Users can now easily upload files to their local storage by simply dragging and dropping them into the platform's File Manager. Additionally, they can create folders to better organize their files and data. This feature streamlines the file import and organization process, which helps users to efficiently manage their data on the platform.

Previewing files of diverse formats

The File Manager now supports previewing files of a wide range of formats: 

  • 3D structures
  • Jupyter Notebooks
  • PDFs
  • Markdown
  • Text files

Users can preview file content without having to open the IDE. This feature enhances the platform's convenience for users and their productivity, improving the overall user experience.

Duplicating desks within projects

Users can now duplicate desks within their projects. This functionality simplifies project management by allowing users to duplicate existing desks, which reduces the effort required to set up similar environments and manage files. It also ensures consistency in desk configurations, contributing to project productivity.

Separate menus for environment template and hardware settings

The environment settings menu has been split into two distinct sections: one for template settings and another for hardware settings. Users can now modify these configurations independently This provides users with greater flexibility in tailoring their computational environment. Separation of settings enhances user control and adaptability and allows users to fine-tune their environment according to specific project requirements.

Tracking environment provisioning status

Users can now track various stages of the environment provisioning process. If there are any errors or issues during provisioning, users are promptly informed, and the error details are reported to the support team for a swift resolution. This enhancement not only offers transparency in the provisioning process but also ensures immediate error notification and reporting, minimizing downtime and facilitating quicker issue resolution. Users can proceed with confidence, knowing that any problems will be swiftly addressed by the support team.

Ability to create and delete desks in projects

Desk owners can now create new desks in their projects. A desk is a personal workspace for each user. It can be used to store scripts, notebooks, datasets, and other essential project assets. Desks also allows project team members to execute computational experiments with workflows independently from each other. By leveraging multiple desks, researchers can establish distinct work environments within their projects. This enables the exploration of diverse research approaches and the seamless management of various experiments, enhancing productivity and research flexibility.

Users can also delete desks within their projects. This feature simplifies project organization by allowing users to remove unnecessary desks and associated content.
Deleting desks simplifies project maintenance, gives project owners greater control over content, and ensures a clutter-free workspace.

Creating desks in Constructor Research Platform

Display running environment for desk

Now users can quickly identify which desk is currently active on the project page. What's more, they have access to essential details about the active environment, including the initiator of the environment launch and available resources. In the case of workflows, the workflow name and the count of finished and scheduled nodes is displayed. From the same menu, users can shut down a running environment, or jump straight into the corresponding integrated development environment (IDE) or workflow. 
This feature simplifies user experience and streamlines their workflow. It allows users to focus more on their work and less on navigating through their workspace. 

Updated project limitations for trial and paid users

Now any user registered in the Research Platform can be invited to join any project, regardless of their subscription type (trial or paid). The limitations for the project like environment settings and available storage size are applied based on the subscription type of the project owner only. This allows smoother, more inclusive collaboration within the projects.