Sports Tech monthly update: September 2023

Race comms


  • Indycar championship support
  • Timeline navigation pane
  • Improved race schedule synchronization
  • Race start enhancement

What's new

Indycar championship support

We now support Indycar championship. The first two teams gave it a go during the last race weekend. This feature enhances our product to meet a broader range of requirements including the ones of the Indycar championship.

saas race comms


Timeline navigation pane

To help race analysts navigate through the race with ease, we added a timeline. This new feature serves as a map for the session to help analysts jump between specific timestamps.

saas race comms


Improved race schedule synchronization

Our improved synchronization now efficiently resolves race schedule conflicts and adjusts to race delays, providing users with accurate, up-to-date race schedules for effective analysis task planning and management

Race start enhancements

The newly improved race start service ensures that no user messages are lost during the initial moments of the race. This enhancement guarantees a more complete and reliable transcription process, particularly beneficial for initial pre-race check-ups.


Improved performance and enhanced data security for shared resources.

The transcription engine is now shared among all users within the same championship, significantly improving performance. We've also implemented additional security measures to protect team-related data, ensuring data sharing is limited to within the same organization.


Improved Speech recognition model for IndyCar

Speech recognition model for IndyCar has dramatically improved in quality.


Fixed various bugs:

  • timeline is now responsive when user clicks outside of the race time
  • added support for non-numerical car numbers (e.g. "06")
  • driver names are not truncated anymore if pane size allows to show full name
  • fixed an issue with scrolling after a click on timeline