
Effects of Calcularis training | part 1: domain-specific changes (Effekte des Calcularis-Trainings | Teil 1: Domänen-spezifische Veränderungen)


The first ever Constructor-related study investigated whether Constructor's visual and auditory training was fundamentally capable of promoting better spelling skills in children both with and without dyslexia.

Kohn, J. et al, 2017, Lernen und Lernstörungen

This publication looked at the direct, longer-term effects of Calcularis. The children who participated in the study trained for 20 minutes five days per week over a period of six to eight weeks (altogether, on a minimum of 24 occasions). Their progress was studied directly after the training and in a “follow-up” test five months after the end of the training.


As in previous studies, the results showed a significant increase in performance amongst the Calcularis training groups in comparison to the control groups, particularly in subtraction (see the image on the left) and number line estimation. Five months after the conclusion of the training, the researchers found that while the children’s level of performance in arithmetical tasks had remained stable, their improvement in number line estimation tasks had stayed constant. As such, they concluded that Calcularis doesn’t simply lead to an improvement in the short term, but also enables learners to build on their progress over a longer period.