How AI can deliver a seamless and secure online testing experience

27 September, 2023

Recording date: Sept. 27, 2023

How is AI transforming online learning? Is it an obstacle or an asset for online assessments?


Online training offers learners and instructors unprecedented flexibility and accessibility, which explains its continued growth since the pandemic. But with this rising popularity comes questions about the effectiveness and security of online testing, especially in today’s landscape, as AI-powered content generation tools such as ChatGPT can be seen as a barrier to the learning journey.


Join us for an engaging session as we explore how AI is reshaping the online testing landscape and helping to address these challenges. We'll discuss how this advanced technology not only bridges the gap between convenience and security, but also makes it an optimal solution for achieving results – for educators and learners alike.

AI proctoring - Webinar photo
Maria Mashkeeva
Maria Mashkeeva
Business Development Manager, Constructor
Omar Rizk - GamaLearn
Omar Rizk
Vice-President & CTO, GamaLearn
Marieve Choquette
Mariève Choquette
Product Marketing Manager